FMX and KCDA have partnered to provide best-in-class facilities and maintenance management software for school districts, municipalities, and non-profit organizations at a 10% discount. 

Facilities management software for less 

Choose your industry to learn more

About FMX

About KCDA

FMX is a leading provider of facilities and maintenance management solutions for the public sector. We're proud to partner with KCDA to provide an affordable, top-of-the-line system. 

Key capabilities

Work order management

Preventive maintenance management

Facility and event scheduling

Technology ticketing and asset management

Capital budget planning

KCDA’s mission is to provide centralized procurement services to member school districts and public agencies that will save them time and money and comply with all legal procurement requirements. They aim to help school districts focus their resources in the classroom and help public agencies focus on direct services to the taxpayers.

Learn more

Key capabilities

About FMX

FMX is a leading provider of facilities and maintenance management solutions for the public sector. We're proud to partner with KCDA to provide an affordable, top-of-the-line system. 

What this means for you: 

Contract #AEPA 024-D

Contract #AEPA 024-D

Get in touch

Janice Lee, Contract and Procurement Specialist

425-251-8115, 800-422-5019 ext. 141

KCDA Contacts

Vendor Contacts

John A. Bailey, Ph.D., National Director, K-12 Business Development
